news release > entergy new orleans launches new energy efficiency online marketplace
entergy new orleans launches new energy efficiency online marketplace

new orleans - entergy new orleans has launched a new energy efficiency online marketplace to offer discounts and incentives on energy saving home products to orleans parish customers.
the energy smart online marketplace provides entergy new orleans residential customers a convenient way to purchase energy-saving products. through the online marketplace, entergy new orleans customers can purchase discounted led light bulbs, smart thermostats, advanced power strips and more products that reduce energy use. the marketplace also highlights the latest technologies in energy efficiency and recommends ways to increase savings on utility bills.
"part of a clean energy future involves partnering with customers to create simple and innovative ways to improve energy efficiency in their homes,” said david ellis, president and ceo, entergy new orleans. “our energy smart program gives customers the opportunity to save money by leveraging technologies to reduce the up-front costs of energy efficiency upgrades.”
there are a number of simple steps customers can take now to reduce energy costs and save on their electricity bills:
- keep all doors and windows closed
- ensure ceiling fans are turning counter-clockwise to push air down in the summer and clockwise to pull air up in the winter.
- use energy-efficient led light bulbs
- run dishwashers and washing machines only when fully loaded
- lower water heater temperature
- don’t block heat registers or air returns with curtains or furniture, so the air can circulate
- unplug unused appliances
- keep your thermostat at 68 degrees during the winter months and 78 degrees during the summer months
entergy new orleans, llc is an electric and gas utility that serves louisiana’s orleans parish. the company provides electricity to more than 200,000 customers and natural gas to more than 108,000 customers. entergy new orleans, llc is a subsidiary of 沙特vs墨西哥让球.
沙特vs墨西哥让球 is an integrated energy company engaged primarily in electric power production and retail distribution operations. entergy owns and operates power plants with approximately 30,000 megawatts of electric generating capacity, including nearly 9,000 megawatts of nuclear power. entergy delivers electricity to 2.9 million utility customers in arkansas, louisiana, mississippi and texas. entergy has annual revenues of $11 billion and nearly 13,700 employees.
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