news release > entergy mississippi ready to respond to ida, other seasonal storms
entergy mississippi ready to respond to ida, other seasonal storms

company encourages residents and businesses to be storm ready
jackson, mississippi – entergy’s restoration workforce supported its communities through one of the most active hurricane seasons in history in 2020. the company is ready to respond again as needed as ida threatens the northern u.s. gulf coast, during what forecasters predict will be another above-average hurricane season.
entergy mississippi is #stormready and encourages residents and businesses to be as well. hurricane season runs from june 1 until november 30 and there are predictions of above-normal activity. august and september are typically the most active months. with many pandemic-related guidelines still in place, the time to prepare is now.
along with standard storm preparations, entergy employees continue navigating through the covid-19 pandemic by taking additional safety steps. these include adjusting office settings and crew staging locations, and increasing the use of drones to help team members maintain social distancing. due to these additional safety measures employees and contractors must take, restoration times may be extended, especially if there are widespread outages. but despite these potential challenges, entergy remains committed to restoring power quickly and, above all, safely.
stay prepared!
monitoring severe weather threats is a full-time job, 24/7, 365 days a year. when severe weather threatens, entergy uses forecasts and computer models based on experience with previous storms to predict an estimated number and duration of outages that could occur. based on those estimates, the company calls on restoration workers from around the country to safely get customers’ power back on as quickly as possible.
entergy continuously plans and improves the process of assessing damage, positioning personnel in the right place with the required material, and restoring power. employees complete annual storm-response exercises to make sure company procedures are reviewed and updated prior to the start of hurricane season.
safety is a core value at entergy, and the company encourages customers to make it a priority as well. customers should get their personal storm plans in place and make a kit with the basic supplies needed in an emergency. learn more about what can go in your kit here.
important safety tips, such as staying away from downed power lines and debris, not walking in standing water and following local authorities’ instructions, can be found on the entergy storm center.
stay informed!
staying informed before, during and after a tropical system strikes is as important as making personal storm plans. here’s how to stay up to date on entergy’s preparations and restoration efforts:
- download the entergy app at customers can use the app to report outages or check on the status of power at their home or business.
- entergy’s view outages website includes maps that show where outages are located and give information about restoration progress.
- sign up for text messages about storm and restoration efforts by texting reg to 36778.
- the entergy storm center website has storm safety, preparation and restoration information that is updated throughout the day.
- operation: storm ready guide is a free downloadable guide that helps customers plan and prepare for weather emergencies.
get social!
social media plays an important role in keeping customers informed, and the company places a high priority on updating its social media channels throughout an event. customers can follow entergy mississippi on facebook and twitter.
in addition to safety and preparedness tips, entergy’s shareholders provided a two-year commitment of $500,000 beginning in 2020 to support the american red cross disaster responder program, which helps our communities better prepare for and recover from potential disasters. the contribution will help streamline the response process in times of disaster, allowing funds to arrive more quickly to help those affected across the company’s four-state service area.
about entergy mississippi
entergy mississippi, inc. provides electricity to approximately 456,000 customers in 45 counties. entergy mississippi is a subsidiary of 沙特vs墨西哥让球, an integrated energy company engaged in electric power production, transmission and retail distribution operations. entergy delivers electricity to 3 million utility customers in arkansas, louisiana, mississippi and texas. entergy owns and operates one of the cleanest large-scale u.s. power generating fleets with approximately 30,000 megawatts of electric generating capacity, including 7,000 megawatts of nuclear power. headquartered in new orleans, louisiana, entergy has annual revenues of $10 billion and approximately 12,500 employees. learn more at and follow @entergy on social media.