news release > entergy continues to support groundworks collaborative

for immediate release

entergy continues to support groundworks collaborative


marty cohn
ian kelley (r) accepted a $20,000 donation from vermont yankee site vice president chris wamser on behalf of project feed the thousands.
ian kelley (r) accepted a $20,000 donation from vermont yankee site vice president chris wamser on behalf of project feed the thousands.

brattleboro, vermont -- 沙特vs墨西哥让球 recently awarded a $20,000 grant to groundworks collaborative food shelf towards the 2015 fundraising goal of project feed the thousands.

“vermont yankee employees have a special relationship with groundworks collaborative food shelf, formerly the brattleboro area drop in center,” said chris wamser, site vice president. “over the past decade, entergy, through both grant funding and volunteer labor, has helped the drop in center increase its ability to address community needs.”

historically, entergy has made major contributions to the project feed campaign. in fact since entergy bought vermont yankee in 2002, it has contributed over $300,000 to the drop-in center in corporate grants alone. entergy charitable foundation has also pledged an additional $25,000 over the next two years. 

also, vermont yankee employees recently intensified their fundraising efforts, raising another $3,100 for project feed. this was achieved in partnership with entergy, which sold off surplus office equipment to the employees and donated the money to support project feed. 

acknowledging the importance of this support, project feed the thousands co-chair, kelli corbeil says, “we are extremely appreciative to entergy vermont yankee for all the support they have given the project feed the thousand’s campaign over the years, financially and with volunteers.  that support has always been something that we have counted on to reach our goals.” she elaborates,  “what many people don’t realize however, is that not only has the corporation stepped up over the years as the hunger epidemic has grown in our area, but entergy’s employees themselves have also donated significantly towards the campaign.  entergy and its employees have been a tremendous partner in our fight against hunger.”  

speaking on behalf of the board of directors of groundworks collaborative, president carla lineback explains, “given the shutdown of vermont yankee, we are thankful of entergy’s commitment to continue supporting our food shelf for the next two years. lineback adds, “the funding is greatly appreciated, as we're spending more on food than ever before in an effort to meet the increased need in our region.”
