news release > entergy completes transmission line segment over mississippi river
entergy completes transmission line segment over mississippi river

new avondale to harahan crossing built to withstand winds of up to 175 mph
jefferson, la. – as part of its ongoing commitment to increase reliability of and build resilience into the electric system, entergy louisiana recently completed the mississippi river transmission crossing from avondale to harahan.
the rebuilt 230kv power line segment, which includes a large tower on both sides of the river, was upgraded to withstand winds of up to 175 mph. each tower stands around 475 feet and weighs approximately 658,000 pounds.
“the completion of the avondale to harahan mississippi river crossing is another example of how we’re continuing to upgrade the electric system through strategies aimed at increasing service reliability and shortening the amount of time it takes to restore power following major storms,” said phillip may, entergy louisiana president and ceo.
the project began in september 2021 when engineers and others were engaged to develop a plan to rebuild and upgrade the river crossing. after tower and foundation designs were finalized, crews began pile driving work and demolished a tower on the harahan side of the river. in march, crews began installing the concrete pile cap foundations on the avondale side and pile driving on the harahan side. then crews completed foundation work and started constructing the towers. lastly, wires were strung across the river and the power line was put into service on aug. 17.
the avondale to harahan transmission line is one of eight transmission lines serving the metro new orleans area.
about entergy louisiana
entergy louisiana, llc provides electric service to more than 1 million customers in 58 parishes and natural gas service to more than 94,000 customers in baton rouge, louisiana. entergy louisiana is a subsidiary of 沙特vs墨西哥让球, an integrated energy company engaged in electric power production, transmission and retail distribution operations. entergy delivers electricity to 3 million utility customers in arkansas, louisiana, mississippi and texas. entergy owns and operates one of the cleanest large-scale u.s. power generating fleets with approximately 30,000 megawatts of electric generating capacity, including 7,000 megawatts of nuclear power. headquartered in new orleans, louisiana, entergy has annual revenues of $10 billion and approximately 12,500 employees.