news release > bogue chitto attendance center students visit grand gulf
bogue chitto attendance center students visit grand gulf

middle school honor students learn about nuclear power
port gibson, miss. – more than 40 beta club students from bogue chitto attendance center visited grand gulf nuclear station on feb. 1 to learn how entergy produces clean, carbon-free energy for its customers and communities.
grand gulf radiation protection technicians met with the students to explain how they handle materials and keep team members safe. the students also learned about different career paths in the nuclear industry from maintenance services, engineering, security and craft professions. they finished the day with a stem activity, using interactive kits to demonstrate electrical circuits.
“it is such an exciting experience for both students and entergy employees to be able to share what we do here on a daily basis with our communities,” said grant flynn, grand gulf nuclear station general manager. “it’s great to see the students so engaged and asking very insightful questions. those kids were very sharp; it wouldn’t surprise me at all to be working with them here at grand gulf in the future.”
grand gulf’s women in nuclear group organized the event.
about entergy
entergy, a fortune 500 company headquartered in new orleans, powers life for 3 million customers through its operating companies across arkansas, louisiana, mississippi and texas. entergy is creating a cleaner, more resilient energy future for everyone with our diverse power generation portfolio, including increasingly carbon-free energy sources. with roots in the gulf south region for more than a century, entergy is a recognized leader in corporate citizenship, delivering more than $100 million in economic benefits to local communities through philanthropy and advocacy efforts annually over the last several years. our approximately 12,000 employees are dedicated to powering life today and for future generations. learn more at and follow @entergy on social media. #wepowerlife