board of directors > drew marsh
drew marsh

age 52
director since 2022
board committee: executive (chair)
- chair of the board of directors, 沙特vs墨西哥让球 – since 2023.
- chief executive officer, 沙特vs墨西哥让球 – since 2022.
- executive vice president and chief financial officer, 沙特vs墨西哥让球 – 2013-2022.
- vice president of system planning, 沙特vs墨西哥让球 – 2010-2013.
- vice president of planning and financial communication, 沙特vs墨西哥让球 – 2007-2010.
- vice president of strategic planning, 沙特vs墨西哥让球 – 2004-2007.
- director, edison electric institute, nuclear electric insurance limited, nuclear energy institute, institute of nuclear power operations, and jobs for america's graduates.
- advisory board, posse new orleans.
- former director, kipp new orleans schools.
this information was current as of march 22, 2024.