2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > women in nuclear plays vital role in public outreach, professional development and networking
women in nuclear plays vital role in public outreach, professional development and networking

tamara may, entergy nuclear senior project controls specialist, has been elected the executive board president for entergy nuclear's regional chapter of women in nuclear. for the past three years, scharla bivings, entergy nuclear senior leader assistant, served as the regional chapter's executive board president. (bivings is pictured left, and may is pictured right).
"win creates supportive environments for the women and men in the field of nuclear energy," may added. "win positions nuclear professionals to embrace and learn what's in store for the future of carbon-free nuclear energy and technology."
win is a global organization supporting team members working in nuclear plants, fleets and offices worldwide. win global operates in more than 109 countries with approximately 35,000 members.
"i was able to attend my first win conference in 2016 and was amazed to be surrounded by so many talented and driven women and men who were involved in all parts of nuclear energy," said bivings. "it gave me the first opportunity to meet members from other utilities as well as spearhead some ideas on educating the public on the benefits of carbon-free nuclear power."
one of the workshops during the conference taught creative ways to initiate public outreach promoting the industry. the session inspired chapter members to improve community outreach efforts in the entergy nuclear locations. bivings added that outreach efforts became stronger when win partnered with entergy team members in north american young generation in nuclear, referred to as naygn.
"i want to thank scharla and tamara for their involvement and leadership," said chris bakken, entergy chief nuclear officer and sponsor of win. "i am proud of nuclear team members who are involved with this important organization. their achievements are stellar."
activities included providing educational events during nuclear science week at schools and libraries, as well as hosting school supply and food drives, and participating in community volunteer activities. for instance, street fairs are routinely held at the mississippi children's museum. each nuclear plant collaborates with their local girl scout chapter to help them earn a nuclear patch.
in 2018, entergy nuclear held its first win fleet summit to align the local chapters of entergy's win and focus on the three pillars of u.s. win: public outreach, professional development and networking. the efforts of all this work paid off.
last year, u.s.win awarded and recognized entergy's regional chapter as having the most networking hours. it was the first time for entergy to receive such an award.
"not only did we grow our overall fleet membership, but we also expanded our influence as a team," said bivings. "to me, this is the biggest accomplishment of serving. i look forward to being active in our local chapter and pursuing opportunities for growth and development. i want to thank every member of the entergy team for their involvement with win."
entergy nuclear owns, operates, supports, and provides management services to a national fleet of eight reactors in seven locations, generating approximately 8,000 megawatts of zero-carbon nuclear power. with more than 6,000 nuclear employees, entergy is also recognized globally as a provider of nuclear services to companies in the u.s. and worldwide.