2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > update: power restored to more than 34,000 entergy mississippi customers
update: power restored to more than 34,000 entergy mississippi customers
entergy mississippi crews have made steady storm restoration progress since easter sunday. power has been restored to more than 34,000 customers. as of 7 p.m., about 6,000 customers remain without power, down from a peak of nearly 41,000. we expect to restore most customers who can safely take power by late tonight. some outages will carry over through thursday evening, especially in the hardest-hit areas of carroll, coahoma, grenada, leflore, montgomery, panola, sunflower, tallahatchie and yalobusha counties.
our scouts have identified 427 broken poles, 890 spans of wire down, and damage to 94 transformers throughout our service area. we have more than 1,150 field workers, contractors and support staff assisting with our restoration efforts. as service is restored in parts of our territory, we are reassigning crews to areas still without power.
we remain focused on safety. as we restore service, we continue to maintain our additional safety precautions adopted due to covid-19 pandemic. for your safety and theirs, please continue to provide our utility workers with the space needed to complete restoration work. do not approach utility workers at a job site. our work sites can be dangerous locations and interruptions will slow our workers’ progress.
we urge customers to also maintain safety at home. you can find safety information and emergency tips at the entergy storm center.
we will continue to keep you informed using the following channels:
- download our app for your smartphone at http://entergy.com/app.
- sign up for text alerts. from your cell phone, text reg to 368374.
- visit the entergy storm center website and our view outages click the red bar at the top to get detailed information regarding storm restoration.
- follow us on twitter.com/entergyms or facebook.com/entergyms.
- follow updates in your local news media, like radio, television and newspapers.
thank you for your continued patience!