2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > storm recovery in final stretch
storm recovery in final stretch

entergy arkansas has restored service to over 54,400 customers that lost power during the recent line of severe thunderstorms with straight line winds in excess of 75 mph that moved through arkansas last friday evening and early saturday.
all customers that can accept electrical service safely have been restored; however, crews continue to work isolated cases restoring power to customers impacted by transmission damage from the january 10 - 11 thunderstorms and tornados. the areas still impacted by the transmission damage are rowher, montrose and parkdale. some customers in these areas are expected to have service restored friday evening january 17 by 10:00 p.m. detailed information is available at www.entergy.com/viewoutages .
if you are still without power, with the exception of those mentioned above, check for damage to the electrical equipment attached to your home or business. if the service line to your home or business has been impacted by this storm, you may have damage to your meter base. to avoid further delays in restoring power, you should inspect your meter base at your home or business. if it is damaged, you may be required to have an electrician make repairs before entergy arkansas can safely reconnect service. once repairs are made, call 1-800-entergy for a reconnection. thank you for your patience as entergy arkansas works to restore power and thank you for being a valued entergy arkansas customer.