2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > power principles: a conversation with james barry
power principles: a conversation with james barry

james barry is a security operations supervisor at indian point energy center in new york. he's been part of the entergy family for 14 years.
what’s your power principle at work? my power principle is to lead by example in the areas of safety, procedure use and adherence. if we all work safely and within our procedures, we'll all go home the same way we came to work - error-free.
what motivates you to live and work safe? my family motivates me to live and work safely. also, in nuclear we have an obligation to the millions of people we serve to ensure public safety.
how do you balance work and family? the balance of work and family has always been a challenge for me because i’ve worked half of my career at entergy on the night shift. although i’ve missed out on a lot of family events, i always look for ways to show my family i care. whether it’s waking my kids up for school, fixing their breakfast or putting them on the bus – i cherish the small things i get to do with my kids and try to create as many memories as possible.