2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > power principle: a safety conversation with tracy chauvin
power principle: a safety conversation with tracy chauvin

tracy chauvin is an administrative assistant at entergy’s waterford 3 nuclear site in killona, louisiana. she’s been part of the entergy family for almost 30 years.
what's your power principle? safety is important no matter your job title. coaching is well-accepted at waterford 3, and i’m not intimidated by my job title to coach. coaching is caring, and i care about everyone. if i see something that does not look right or safe, i question it and often suggest a safer way to perform the task.
what motivates you to live and work safely? my family and co-workers motivate me to be safe. people depend on me, and i always want to be there for them.
one of entergy’s safety principles is that all injuries are preventable. what do you think about that concept? i truly believe all injuries are preventable. as a child, my mom would describe me as "that accident looking for a place to happen," and i was that kid! thank goodness i grew out of that. i started at an early age watching my surroundings and aiming to be careful. this became a habit, and it's a habit i still have today.
what is the best safety-related advice you have even been given? i hate re-work, so i'd have to say the best advice – both work-related and in life – is to do the right thing the first time.
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