2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > power principle: a conversation with rebecca levack
power principle: a conversation with rebecca levack

rebecca levack, reactor engineering supervisor at palisades nuclear plant, has been a member of the entergy family for almost seven years.
what’s your power principle at work? my power principle is "do what you say you are going to do," which, in my mind, is very similar to "the buck stops here." i was on cvn-75 harry s. truman in the u.s. navy, and that was the ship's motto. i take it very personally that people can trust what i say and know that i will do what it takes to get a job done correctly.
what motivates you to live and work safely? my fellow employees motivate me. i want them to know i’m looking out for them and want them to go home the same way they came to work. that starts by being the example and setting the expectations.
what is the best work-related advice you have ever been given? “shut up and listen.” whether it is listening to your peers or listening to what the plant is telling you, take the time to listen and respond appropriately.
what has been your favorite project at work? i’m very proud of the work we do at the spent fuel pool and with the sfp high intensity team to ensure that all activities are coordinated and timely. i was a load supervisor for the last dry fuel storage campaign, and the campaign was ultimately completed safely.
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