2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > power principle: a conversation with pilgrim nuclear station's chip perkins
power principle: a conversation with pilgrim nuclear station's chip perkins

everett p. perkins jr. known as “chip” is the regulatory assurance manager at pilgrim nuclear station. he joined the entergy family two years ago.
chip’s power principle
my power principle is, “success in life is based on understanding and paying attention to your priorities.” my priorities include my faith, my family and having fun. if your priorities are aligned, everything else will fall into place.
his proudest moment
one of my proudest moments was the birth of my first grandchild. however, throughout life i have had several proud moments ─ my wedding day, my college graduation, completion of our home renovation project and the births of my three children.
a typical day for chip
i arrive at work each day before 6:30 a.m. my day consists of meetings and dealing with safety and regulatory issues. if i can fit in a workout or spend time at home relaxing with my wife i’ve had a great day.
where he sees himself in five years
in five years, i see myself spending more time with my grandchildren. with pilgrim shutting down, i also see myself serving in a consulting or teaching role within the nuclear industry.
chip’s hero
hands down, my hero is my dad. i was only 17 when he passed away, but he made a substantial impact on my life. my dad was a successful entrepreneur, pioneer, owner and operator in the lodging industry. as a result, he used jobs in the business as personal development opportunities for me and my siblings. my dad was a true leader who could bring out the best in others.