2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > power principle: a conversation with anthony mcginty
power principle: a conversation with anthony mcginty

anthony mcginty, human performance coordinator at indian point energy center, has been with entergy for 10 years. he promotes safety first for his team, both at work and at home.
what's your power principle at work? my power principle is to ensure that safety is always at the core of everything we do. i treat my teammates as family; therefore, i want them to work safely at home and at work so they are able to spend quality time with loved ones healthy and injury free. reinforcing sound human performance behaviors and principles is the key to ensuring we all work safely and error-free every day. i strive to lead by example in this area, and i always own my performance.
what motivates you to live and work safely? my family, friends and teammates motivate me to live and work safely. a good work-life balance is important so i can spend quality time with them.
what is the best work-related advice you have ever been given? i was once told to always strive to do my very best and to lead by example. i recognize that my actions and words can influence behaviors, so i coach because i care.
what has been your favorite project at work? since attending the fleet safety summit in 2017, i have taken the initiative and responsibility to improve human performance and safety behaviors at indian point. based on feedback from my teammates, we have implemented a peer-to-peer coaching program that has already proven effective in influencing behaviors at all levels across the organization. the think three initiative, which i helped roll out to the station, ties into this and is being used as our platform for continued safe and error-free operation.
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pictured is anthony with his niece maddison.