2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > be on the lookout for scams
be on the lookout for scams

to our valued customer,
it has come to our attention that there has been an unfortunate rise in scammers attempting to take advantage of our customers. at entergy, we put the safety and well-being of our communities at the forefront of everything we do. and we want to ensure we are providing the most current and reliable information regarding scams to help keep you, and your information, safe.
if you suspect you are the victim of a scam:
- if the suspected scammer is present and you feel you are in immediate danger, call 911 as soon as possible.
- contact entergy by calling 1-800-entergy (1-800 368-3749) to speak with a company customer service representative.
- inform your bank or financial institution, who may then direct you to other protective measures.
steps you can take to protect your personal information from scammers:
- never give out your banking information by email or phone - entergy does not demand banking information by email or phone or force you to pay by phone as your only option.
- never give out your personal information by email or phone - never give out personal information such as your social security number or entergy account number to an unsolicited caller. entergy will never call you to request personal information over the phone.
- cut offs - entergy does not cut off service without considerable advance warning.
- do not pay any entergy bill with a gift card, cash reload card, wiring money or cryptocurrency - entergy does not demand or accept gift cards (such as itunes or amazon), cash reload cards (such as moneypak, vanilla, or reloadit), or cryptocurrency (such as bitcoin).
remember, we will never demand immediate payment and only use approved methods when paying your bill.
scammers are becoming more elusive and convincing, especially in the digital age. while we continue to do everything within our power to stop these unfortunate circumstances, we need our customers to be informed and on the lookout so they can protect themselves as well.
our latest information regarding scams, including recent trends, can be found by visiting entergy.com/scams. and, as always, if you feel you are being scammed, hang up and call 1-800-entergy (1-800 368-3749) immediately to speak with a customer service representative.
thank you,
yovanka daniel
entergy louisiana customer service vice president