2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > meet the pros: grand gulf’s chelsea mullen
meet the pros: grand gulf’s chelsea mullen

in celebration of women’s history month, meet chelsea mullen, a supervisor for radiation protection operations who has worked at grand gulf nuclear station, located in port gibson, miss., for four years.
mullen was recently promoted to her new supervisor role from her previous role in training at the site.
mullen and her team work to oversee the day-to-day operations of radiation protection as well as any emergent issues.
“as a new leader, i am excited to get to know everyone on my team personally,” said mullen. “understanding everyone’s strengths and weaknesses will make us a stronger team.”
the teamwork present at grand gulf is mullen’s favorite aspect of working at the site.
“i love how everyone has embraced cross-functional teamwork,” mullen said. “everyone works so well together, and it is good to see everyone reaching beyond department lines to achieve a common goal.”
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