2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > meet the nuclear professionals: nathan mcelhaney
meet the nuclear professionals: nathan mcelhaney

meet nathan mcelhaney, an arkansas nuclear one unit 1 control room supervisor who has worked at ano for 13 years.
"i am proud to work for entergy,” said mcelhaney. “having been employed through some challenging times, i am still amazed at the grit and dedication of the people i work with."
recently, he volunteered at hector high school in nearby hector, ark., to give 30 students a brief explanation on how nuclear power works and the many opportunities available for various skill sets.
"there are all kinds of opportunities in the nuclear field, specifically at ano,” mcelhaney said. “it takes all kinds of personalities and skill sets to run a nuclear facility. if you find a field of work that you enjoy and get satisfaction out of, you'll be better for it."