2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > love, mississippi

love, mississippi


entergy employees are sending the comforts of home to deployed troops this holiday season, including to some employees' family members, like will mainka, brandon dill and conner campbell.
entergy employees are sending the comforts of home to deployed troops this holiday season, including to some employees' family members, like will mainka, brandon dill and conner campbell.

entergy employees send comforts of home to deployed troops, including employees’ family members

those who answer the call of duty to serve our country and protect our freedoms are special people. especially when they’re deployed, our service men and women need support from home. we may not have songs, dances, jokes and star power to help boost morale like the great uso entertainers, but entergy employees do have a lot of heart. and we’re sending all we can muster as a salute to deployed troops from mississippi during the holidays. 

entergy supports active military and veterans through our hiring processes. we’ve even won awards for our commitment to supporting veterans in our workforce. in this season of thanksgiving, entergy employees in mississippi are “giving thanks for our troops” by gathering care package items for deployed military units, including some whose family members are our own employees. meet some of the service men and women – and  relatives of our colleagues - who will be receiving a little bit of love from mississippi while they are deployed during the holidays.

conner campbell, mississippi national guard

“few people join the armed forces and fewer still deploy overseas,” said scotty campbell, a system operations specialist in transmission whose son, conner, serves in the national guard. “the recognition that we give them should not be based on how we feel about the mission or the politics involved. it should be based on the fact that our service men and women have made a decision to be a part of something greater than themselves and what they feel about the country they have sworn to defend.”

conner with sisters, natalie and abigail, and dad, scotty.

charles conerly, mississippi air national guard

prior to deployment, charles conerly (r), presented a token of appreciation to lee alexander as a thank you for the company's support.

“charles’ willingness to serve his country and protect our liberties, fills me with great pride,” lee alexander, production superintendent, said of the baxter wilson maintenance operator who is serving a six-month deployment in kuwait. “i am equally proud to know that entergy lives its commitment of valuing its four stakeholders:  customers, employees, communities and owners by sending care packages to our deployed troops. charles is a gracious individual and will be very thankful to know that he is truly valued by the greatest country in the world, the usa, the greatest company in the world, entergy, and by the greatest co-workers in the company, the baxter wilson plant staff!”

 brandon dill, mississippi air national guard

“i am so thankful that entergy employees are supporting our troops by sending care packages to brandon dill, my son-in-law, and others who are deployed,” said ed smith, senior customer service specialist. “servicemen and women sacrifice much by being away from their families for months on end.  those left behind miss their presence and pray for their safety. it was a tearful moment when brandon said goodbye to his wife, meredith, daughter, savannah and his step-son, thade.

“brandon and his unit will appreciate the kindness of entergy employees who help provide care packages.  i know that they will be thankful for being remembered by family and friends back home and i’m so pleased that the company i have worked for over 40 years is taking this caring action!”

brandon and meredith dill.

 will mainka, air force

will mainka

“care packages help our troops know that they are not forgotten, and that they are still very much cared for and missed by their folks back in the usa,” said bruce mainka, nuclear engineer on the design projects team. his son, will, is currently stationed in the middle east.

preston mangrum, army

“i’m so proud of my grandson for joining the army,” said pam kattawar, senior specialty clerk. “preston and all others who serve make this country strong. i worry about him and pray god will protect him while he is protecting us until he can come home to his beautiful wife and daughter.”

“it’s great that entergy wants to support our troops. they all look forward to getting care packages because it makes them feel a little closer to home. helping others is one of the things our employees enjoy doing. i don’t know anyone in this company that is not willing to give a helping hand when needed.”

preston mangrum

teri dawn neely, air force

teri dawn neely (l), her late father, veteran bruce milner, and her sister, cheryl sanders.

“my cousin teri dawn is part of a true military family,” said cindy deaton, project manager, of her cousin who is a lieutenant colonel in the air force. “before his passing, my uncle and cousins had more than 100 years of service between them. teri dawn is a flight nurse and takes care of the wounded on her aircraft. she is in afghanistan on her 6th deployment now, but has also served in helping in natural disasters and helped transport six children from guatemala when the volcano fuego erupted.

“teri dawn has shared many stories with my family when she’s returned home from her previous five deployments. one of the things she always talks about is how much it helps her to receive mail and packages from home.  knowing that our company is taking the time to show they care about our loved ones by sending care packages means so much to me!  teri dawn loves getting care packages because it’s like receiving a little bit of home.”

 david sanders, mississippi air national guard

“my brother, david sanders, deployed to qatar on july 15, 2019,” said gina quick, paralegal. “his third son was born only five days earlier. leaving his newborn made this deployment even harder than his prior two deployments to kirghizstan and afghanistan.

“while i am honored that my brother serves this country, i also feel privileged to work at a company that recognizes his sacrifice. entergy’s commitment to serving people extends far beyond simply providing electricity. our company creates an atmosphere which promotes and supports serving others. to say ‘we power life’ means that entergy knows the term ‘life’ is different for every person.  currently, my brother’s life journey has taken him to the other side of the world. fortunately, even that far isn’t too far for entergy to make a difference. we are grateful for the entergy family and its recognition of those whose can’t be with their families.”

gina quick and her brother, david sanders.

a packing event will be held saturday, dec. 14 at the renaissance in ridgeland from 3 to 6 p.m. with our cub scout partners. in addition to packing items for the troops and mingling with active and retired military members as well as the scouts and their parents, there is a planned facetime call with deployed troops.


leyla goodsell
manager, entergy mississippi communications