2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > jonathan wood: expert marksman with an aim for superior standards
jonathan wood: expert marksman with an aim for superior standards

as a radwaste technician ii at waterford 3 nuclear plant in killona, la., jonathan wood plays a critical role in maintaining the safety and cleanliness of the site. his work ensures that radioactive materials are properly handled and that areas within the plant are thoroughly decontaminated and prepared for safe operations.
whether it’s preparing materials for shipment, decontaminating surfaces or managing waste such as trash, motors and other items for transport outside the plant, wood’s attention to detail helps keep waterford 3 secure.
commitment to standards
wood exemplifies a commitment to standards adherence by following established procedures. he upholds safety and operational standards in his own work and ensures that his team adheres to standards and procedures in radiation protection. his dedication to standards adherence reinforces the station’s commitment to standards and a culture of accountability.
get to know jonathan wood
wood began his career at entergy in 2017, working in security. with a military career that spans more than two decades, he served in the u.s. marine corps from 2004-2011 and has been a louisiana national guardsman since 2012.
recently, wood competed in the civilian marksmanship program’s national rifle games at camp perry, ohio, where he earned the prestigious u.s. army distinguished rifleman badge—an honor achieved by approximately 3,200 soldiers since 1903. additionally, he earned the president’s 100 award, recognizing him as one of the top 100 shooters in the national president’s match. his national guard team also secured the national trophy, marking the third time the national guard has claimed this victory, with previous wins in 1986 and 1977.