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ingredients for an energy-efficient thanksgiving meal


thanksgiving meals are an important part of the celebrations you share with family and friends. all of that extra cooking and baking, however, can lead to a real post-season letdown after you see the added cost on your energy bill. these simple, cost-saving tips will help you enjoy the festivities while trimming your energy budget.

  • preheat the oven to the exact temperature required; preheating is not necessary for foods that cook for several hours.
  • if you've got an oven window, take advantage of it! opening the oven door wastes energy and lowers the temperature by as much as 25°f.
  • glass and ceramic baking dishes retain heat better than metal. if you cook with glass or ceramic dishes, you can reduce the oven temperature by 25°f.
  • conserve energy by baking several batches of cookies, or more than one pie, at a time.
  • for stovetop cooking, match the size of the pan to the size of the burner; using a small pan on a large burner wastes energy.
  • keep pots and pans covered to prevent heat loss and reduce cooking time.
  • clean burners after every use. a clean burner heats more efficiently, using less energy.

slow cookers and toaster ovens are great for heating leftovers and use a lot less energy than conventional ovens and stoves. microwave ovens also use 50% less energy than conventional ovens. to save energy, reheat holiday leftovers in the microwave instead of on the stove or in the oven.

visit entergy.com/energyefficiency for more energy efficiency resources. 

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