2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > financial times recognizes marcus brown as a top lawyer globally
financial times recognizes marcus brown as a top lawyer globally

the international newspaper financial times named marcus brown, executive vice president and general counsel for 沙特vs墨西哥让球, among the top 27 in-house lawyers for companies worldwide in its annual ft general counsel report.
brown was featured in this prestigious global list as one of the six best general counsels for sustainability.
ft editors praised brown for his role in overseeing entergy's environmental, social and governance efforts and for creating a culture for his team to pursue pro bono efforts and sustainability goals.
"his remit means all three facets of the environmental, social and governance framework are carried out by teams who report to him," the profile reads.
in the profile, leo denault, entergy's chairman and ceo, describes brown as "the kind of leader every company wants, someone with superior professional skills, deep roots in the community and a natural interest in developing the people around him."
brown was named entergy's general counsel in 2012. he has been with the company since 1995.
read the full ft general counsel report here.
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