2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > entergy win chapters attend national conference
entergy win chapters attend national conference

the entergy chapter of women in nuclear was started in 2006, growing from its 112 members at inception to 472 members, currently. the women and men involved have remained engaged and excited to support the chapter, even attending this year’s national conference.
more than 400 win members from across the country gathered in huntsville, alabama at the end of july 2018 to share ideas on how to position the industry for the future. every year, members from entergy win chapters attend the conference to take learnings back to their sites. if you ask a member what she learned at the 2018 women in nuclear national conference this year, she might tell you, "find your space and take your place…in pink patent leather safety shoes
maria korsnick, president and chief executive officer of nuclear energy institute, set the tone for the conference when she shared the need for various thoughts and ideas to drive the current fleet to excellence and position the industry for further advancements in nuclear technology. the conference provides the opportunity for attendees to hear women leaders from across the industry, providing insight on essential leadership qualities and career development in a unique industry like nuclear.
this mirrored the entergy’s own fleet win summit, the brainchild of donna jacobs, senior vice president of nuclear strategy and operations services, and amber rodriguez, i&c outage coordinator at grand gulf nuclear station. held on jan. 31, the summit had representation from nearly all of the divisions of entergy nuclear and looked to cultivate an environment of teamwork, continuous learning and community service.
at the national conference, breakout sessions focused on pathways to discuss technological advancements in the industry, engagement with local chapters, increasing effective and meaningful stem outreach, and professional development. the conference pulled together leaders in nuclear that excel in these areas to share experiences, spreading win impact nationwide. there were topics for each person's interests with discussions varying from small modular reactor advancements to how to promote stem interests for young girls.
in full alignment with the nuclear excellence model value of always learning, entergy win members are exploring new events and strategies to make a valuable impact with our personnel, local communities and the industry. the nuclear excellence model is a tool nuclear employees use to achieve common goals. it’s built around a set of values called “stair,” which includes safety, teamwork, always learning, integrity and respect.
the current president, scharla bivens stated earlier this year, “the goal of our meeting was to gain alignment with all of our chapters and to make sure we are using our nuclear excellence model in all of our efforts. each site spoke of their year in review and goals for 2018. we discussed how we could help each other reach our goals and grow our chapters.”
whether it's teaching the nuclear dance to a group of girl scouts or exploring new innovations to improve our fleet, win members are finding their space and taking their place as advocates for the nuclear industry and striving for excellence every day.
entergy conference attendees included: verna cason, sarah nobrega, gail stanton, linda davis, shonda sorenson-brewer, chelicia hill, lindsey mcconnell, betty gray, kelly howard, emily smith, carla tucker, tammy wright, lucille griffin, lakyn phillips, laura knight, erica boyer, brenda mills, kami miller, andrea tyson, scharla bivings, catherine florreich, sandra morris, lucille griffin, gabriell simon, odessa hedgecock, tamara may, aimey tregre, morgan landry, and kaylin parker.
below are some photos from the national conference with nuclear staff:
below are photos and quotes from entergy win members across the fleet after the january 2018 summit: