2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > entergy volunteerism surpasses 1m hours – a $25m economic impact

entergy volunteerism surpasses 1m hours – a $25m economic impact


volunteering is one of the most important ways that entergy employees power life in our communities.
volunteering is one of the most important ways that entergy employees power life in our communities.

april is national volunteer month. april 19-25 is national volunteer week.

entergy employees and retirees have given more than one million hours in volunteer service since official tracking began in april 2008.

volunteering is one of the most important ways that entergy employees power life in our communities. the company’s one million volunteer hours serving local communities and supporting nonprofits  translates into more than $25 million in economic impact.

one million volunteer hours

2019 volunteerism results
in 2019, the company’s volunteerism (115,000 total hours) had a $3.7 million economic impact. the breakdown of those hours and associated value in our utility service area:

2019 volunteerism results

pro bono service
more than 3,700 of the total 2019 volunteer hours were dedicated to pro bono service, resulting in $930,000 of in-kind legal services.

since 2012, entergy's legal pro bono program increased the commitment of company lawyers and paralegals to provide free legal assistance to some of the most vulnerable citizens living in our utility service area. the louisiana state bar association honored members of the company's legal department with the prestigious 2019 friend of pro bono award. and, in 2018, the legal department created a full-time position to manage its pro bono practice, making the company the first in the u.s. to have such a position at that time.

national recognition
volunteerism also comes from the heart. through volunteerism, entergy becomes more than just transformers, poles, lines or gas meters. our employees live here too and we want to make a difference.

by showing the same dedication to volunteerism as we do to providing customers with safe, reliable and affordable energy, our employees demonstrate why they are known as the best in the industry. in 2019 alone, entergy’s commitment to volunteerism earned the company three prestigious honors.

for more than 100 years, entergy has powered life in our communities through strategic philanthropy, volunteerism and advocacy. entergy’s corporate social responsibility initiatives help create and sustain thriving communities, position the company for sustainable growth and are aligned with the united nations sustainable development goals. our top csr priorities are education/workforce development, poverty solutions/social services and environmental programs. each year, entergy contributes $16-18 million in grants from shareholder dollars to more than 2,000 nonprofit organizations in the communities where we operate.


covid-19 update: providing reliable power is always important, but it is especially important during this crisis. the health and safety of our employees is critical to our ability to keeping the lights on and the gas flowing. therefore, in response to this need, as well as the need to follow stay-at-home orders, we’ve suspended all company-sponsored, in-person volunteer events. however employees are still encouraged to participate in virtual volunteer activities so they can continue supporting their communities through this time of crisis without risk of covid-19 transmission. 

jill smith
senior lead communications specialist