2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > entergy’s grand gulf invests in developing first-line leaders
entergy’s grand gulf invests in developing first-line leaders

fifteen grand gulf nuclear station team members completed the institute of nuclear power operations first-line leadership essentials seminar in december. the five-day virtual seminar, hosted by inpo's national academy for nuclear training, provided valuable leadership training and development for first-line supervisors from across the organization.
“through this experience, it confirmed i work with a great group of peers that deal with and overcome challenges personally outside of work, day after day. yet, their character is such that they come to work every day with a smile on their face and ready to tackle whatever opportunities come their way to make our company more successful. the class was helpful and informative,” said joseph (kenny) long, entergy's grand gulf radiation protection technical supervisor.
the seminar focused on helping supervisors become better overall tactical leaders by teaching leadership, safety culture, communication, decision-making and maintaining high standards.
entergy grand gulf fin mechanical maintenance supervisor joey foster said that the training was a reminder to pay attention to your team.
“they may just tell a story you weren’t expecting,” foster said.
instrumentation and controls maintenance supervisor richard atwater added that becoming a leader is about “inspiring people to strive for excellence.”
grand gulf boasts a team of more than 860 highly trained and dedicated nuclear professionals, committed to their plant and their communities. entergy has embarked on a hiring strategy to find, train and employ local talent whenever possible. today, grand gulf's enhanced employee training exceeds industry standards.
entergy continues to make significant investments in grand gulf nuclear station to position the facility for additional years of safe, secure and reliable operations. the plant’s scheduled 22nd refueling outage in 2020 continued that trend, with more than $200 million in upgrades that will benefit entergy's customers, employees, communities and owners. the plant is owned and operated by entergy’s system energy resources, inc. (90 percent) and cooperative energy (10 percent).
entergy nuclear owns, operates, supports and provides management services to a national fleet of eight reactors in seven locations. the nuclear headquarters is based in jackson, mississippi.
pictured left to right: michael longenecker, tom kirwin, baogia nguyen, bob franssen, paul cook, john steverson, john dedomenico, sheldon shippee, pk parker, benjamin (joey) foster, rob melton, michael richards, jason keir, richard atwater, brad wertz, joseph (kenny) long, paul stokes and bobby gibson