2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > entergy employees volunteer at ‘day of caring’ in beaumont
entergy employees volunteer at ‘day of caring’ in beaumont

one year after hurricane harvey, the work to rebuild southeast texas continues. entergy employees in texas joined with 17 businesses and organizations in southeast texas for the first "day of caring" hosted by the united way of beaumont and north jefferson county. more than 100 volunteers provided helping hands to seven homeowners in the beaumont area who are still recovering after harvey.
"sponsoring this event was a natural fit for entergy texas," said debi derrick, who works with public affairs. "entergy has put significant dollars into harvey recovery and rebuilding, and our employees have volunteered many hours of labor as well. to bring more volunteers on board to finish up harvey-damaged homes for those most in need of help is simply an extension of what we do for and in the communities where we live and work."
employees from power generation, engineering, communications, customer service and line departments worked on two homes together. entergy volunteers worked with habitat for humanity to demo one house that was flooded during harvey and helped frame a brand new home.
"i wanted to participate in the event because i feel joy and comfort in giving back to my community that was so badly devastated by hurricane harvey," said andrea richardson, distribution designer. "people coming together at an event like this is what our community needs most."