2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > entergy arkansas – good for business and the environment
entergy arkansas – good for business and the environment

customers looking for clean, affordable energy to power their factories, businesses and homes need to look no further than entergy arkansas, which continues to expand its zero-emissions portfolio and related offerings to meet customers’ needs.
entergy arkansas’ rates are consistently lower than national and state averages. we continue to invest in the modernization and resiliency of our grid, and we are a leader in providing clean power to our customers.
in 2022, nuclear power from arkansas nuclear one near russellville and the grand gulf nuclear facility in mississippi provided nearly 65% of the power served to entergy arkansas customers, while solar and hydro power provided more than 3%. these statistics are significantly more than the national average.
in 2028 and 2030, entergy arkansas will cease to burn coal at its two coal plants, which provide 6% of today’s resource mix. entergy arkansas is already planning for their replacement with renewable resources that will come online over the next few years.
24/7 sustainable energy offerings
commercial and industrial customers can take advantage of two subscription-based sustainability tariffs – go zero and green promise -- that allow them to meet their clean or renewable energy needs by accessing the environmental attributes associated with our growing portfolio of clean, economic generation resources.
go zero, which stands for zero emissions resource options, gives non-residential customers three options that allow them to meet their clean energy goals through sustainable sources of energy including nuclear, hydro and solar. they can choose from asset-backed renewable energy credits (rec), asset-backed zero-emission alternative energy certifications and time-match reporting of hourly load and hourly renewable energy output. this is a new offering approved on june 1, 2023, by the arkansas public service commission. we will continue to add additional resources to meet demand.
with green promise, customers pay a fixed price per kw-month for an agreed upon kw subscription, receive a monthly bill credit based on the actual output of the solar portfolio, and have the associated recs retired on their behalf. eal is evaluating additional resources to be designated under green promise to address customer demand.
in addition, entergy arkansas provides an array of energy efficiency programs through entergy solutions, which provides incentives to customers for making energy-efficient upgrades to their homes and businesses.
view our brochure to learn more about other sustainable offerings, including e-tech, fleet electrification and more.
besides its sustainable energy options, entergy arkansas provides dedicated 2022年世界杯比分 support to businesses looking to locate or expand their operations business in arkansas.
when most companies consider where to locate or expand their business operations, they consider three things related to electricity – costs, reliability, and increasingly more often, access to clean energy.
not only is the cost of doing business in arkansas one of the lowest in the nation, the average cost of living for all of arkansas’ metropolitan statistical areas is consistently below the national average. businesses also enjoy low tax obligations through a variety of incentives, exemptions, credits and refunds.
entergy arkansas’ attractive rates, site selection assistance and certified sites are among the many services provided by our qualified entergy arkansas’ 2022年世界杯比分 professionals.
entergy arkansas has been serving customers for 110 years and looks forward to helping our customers and the state continue to grow and prosper.
for more information, contact director of business and 2022年世界杯比分 danny games directly at dgames@entergy.com.