2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > a conversation with waterford 3's alison stahl
a conversation with waterford 3's alison stahl

alison stahl is a nuclear auxiliary operator at waterford 3 steam electric station. she joined entergy twelve years ago. she lives in hammond, louisiana and enjoys reading, cooking and spending time with her dogs gracie and simba.
she had a military upbringing
i grew up as a navy brat, so we moved a few times throughout my childhood. we lived in san diego, california until i was 12, and then moved to upstate new york. i feel that my upbringing gave me the best of both worlds; i was exposed to cultural diversity by growing up in a melting pot of people from all backgrounds and learned how to adapt well to different situations.
her proudest moment
my proudest moment on a professional level was completing my military service. i was excited to begin my life after the military and very proud of the fact that i had served my country honorably. if i had to go back and do it all over again, even knowing how hard it was at times, i would do it in a heartbeat.
personally, my proudest moment was when i rescued my dog, simba. she needed a home, and i had one. it was a bumpy transition for both of us but she has taught me patience, acceptance and understanding. in the beginning, i expected her to behave like my other dog, gracie. she is definitely not gracie! after some obedience training (more for me than for her), we have come to understand each other better and our expectations of each other are much clearer.
the best work advice she's received
the only way to ensure you don’t make a mistake is to not do anything. and doing nothing isn’t an option if you want to be successful.
you have to understand that we all make mistakes; we’re imperfect by design. but don’t let it get you down. instead, own up to the mistake, figure out how it occurred and ensure it won’t happen again.
her father, her hero
my father is my hero. he raised me by himself and taught me to do a good job, put forth my best effort, and that if i fall, i should get back up and try again. he instilled in me a wonderful work ethic, while also helping me learn not to take myself too seriously.