2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > a conversation with entergy’s performance improvement manager at grand gulf nuclear station
a conversation with entergy’s performance improvement manager at grand gulf nuclear station

paul salgado is the performance improvement manager at entergy’s grand gulf nuclear station and has worked at the plant for 5 years. he began his career in the commercial nuclear power industry 22 years ago as a licensed senior reactor operator.
he resides in vicksburg, mississippi with his wife, luanne, who is active in local quilting guilds and a winner of quilting awards at the state level. when he isn’t working, you can find salgado either hosting or participating in karaoke events around town.
the first time he learned about nuclear power...
i wasn’t familiar with nuclear power until i joined the u.s. navy 1981. in the eight and half years i served in the nuclear program, my respect for the technology grew. it also prepared and afforded me the opportunity to work in a unique and rewarding industry. i’m proud to be a nuclear professional who helps produce safe, secure, reliable and affordable clean air energy for almost 20 percent of the nation.
being a nuclear professional runs in the family...
my son is a non-licensed nuclear operator and his wife is the daughter of a nuclear operator, so our family understands what it means to work in the industry. my wife spent many hours keeping dinner warm or celebrating holidays on alternate days because i was on shift. our families support and lift us up even during long hours away from home.
what does a typical day look like for you?
i start work around 6:30 a.m. every morning to review any plant changes that have occurred over the last 24 hours. i then work with our plant management team to screen issues and validate all issues are understood and addressed appropriately. i reserve my afternoons for helping and coaching peers and other employees on performance improvement matters. my day typically ends around 5:30 p.m.
what has been your favorite project at work?
the grand gulf extended power uprate was by far the most interesting and rewarding project i’ve worked on to date. we were the first plant in the industry to complete such a large power increase – 200 mwe – in just one outage. thousands of nuclear professionals worked towards a common goal, using problem solving and innovative thinking to accomplish this effort. it was awesome to be a part of history.
what he wants others to know about entergy’s grand gulf nuclear station...
grand gulf employees are some of the best people you will ever meet. our employees work hard every day to ensure the health and safety of the public and each other is always at the forefront of our minds.