2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > a conversation with arkansas nuclear one’s cortez scott
a conversation with arkansas nuclear one’s cortez scott

cortez scott is an alara specialist with the radiation protection department at arkansas nuclear one. he joined entergy eight years ago. he lives in russellville, arkansas with his wife willene. they have six adult-age children.
as low as reasonably achievable
all u.s. nuclear power facilities carefully monitor radiation all day, every day. each facility has a radiation protection program that is responsible for not only protecting the health and safety of the public, but for minimizing employees’ exposure when working in radiological controlled areas. this is called alara – it means as low as reasonably achievable exposure to radiation. our focus is to constantly find better and safer ways to operate and maintain the plant.
his proudest moment at entergy
i am most proud of having been given the entrustment to aid in the planning of three grand gulf nuclear station refueling outages. at the time, i was an alara technician. i worked with the outage team to choreograph work activities in radiological controlled areas to ensure workers received as low dose as possible.
how he balances work and family
i always try to be available for my family because they deserve all i can give them, but i struggled with this at times because i am a perfectionist. my faith helped me realize my journey for perfection was not attainable and my family deserves more of my time.
the best work-related advice he received
“give them what they want before they ask.”
i’ve used this advice for decades, even when i was a dishwasher and cook. i constantly anticipate what my leaders want and need, and then complete the task before they have a chance to ask.
his mother, his hero
my mother is my hero because she raised three boys and a girl as a single parent for most of the time. she took her responsibility seriously, and it made me who i am today.