2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > bay school district receives $33,574 from entergy arkansas for saving energy

bay school district receives $33,574 from entergy arkansas for saving energy


from left: attending the incentive check presentation were josh gotcher, account manager, clearesult; david burnette, entergy arkansas customer service representative; bobby hutchison, superintendent, bay school district; and josh meyer, director of business development, clear energy solutions.

energy efficiency incentives from entergy arkansas are helping bay schools save money by reducing the amount of electricity required for operation. the bay school district partnered with the entergy arkansas citysmart program, which provides technical and financial support to help schools identify and implement projects that reduce energy usage.

"the benefits gained from the partnership with entergy arkansas in retrofitting our lighting to led throughout the entire school district have been tremendous. this energy management upgrade will not only produce energy efficiencies resulting in financial savings for years to come but also will help us be a much greener school by reducing our overall carbon footprint," said bobby hutchison, bay school district's superintendent. "partnerships and projects like this pay significant and lasting dividends not only for the school, but also for our students and staff to have a cleaner, safer and more comfortable learning environment."

participation in the entergy arkansas citysmart program resulted in a $33,574.01 incentive check that helped the school purchase and install energy efficient led lights throughout the district. the amount of the incentive check was based on the district reducing energy usage by 279,785 kwh. that amount of energy savings is equivalent to eliminating the greenhouse gas emissions from 42 passenger vehicles each year, according to environmental protection agency calculations.

in addition, bay school district will save an estimated $19,585 annually on electricity due to energy efficiency improvements. the district is also exploring efficiencies in their hvac equipment and controls that will earn them additional incentives through the citysmart program.

"taking steps to be more energy efficient helps not only bay school district's bottom line, but all entergy arkansas customers because when we reduce the overall demand for electricity, we defer the need to build expensive new power plants," said david burnette, entergy arkansas customer service representative. "that's a win-win for communities, companies and the natural state."