2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > volunteer effort at southeast texas food bank focuses on service for seniors

volunteer effort at southeast texas food bank focuses on service for seniors


entergy texas employees volunteered at the southeast texas food bank by packaging food for many of our most vulnerable customers — low-income seniors.

in november, volunteers boxed and bagged 22,500 pounds of food for around 2,000 low-income senior households in southeast texas. they also helped bag some trimmings and a hen to give seniors a little something extra for the thanksgiving and holiday seasons.

"we have been fortunate to have entergy volunteers involved with a special project for the southeast texas food bank every fall for the last several years," said daniel maher, executive director of the southeast texas food bank. "entergy's annual engagement provides a great example of a company investing in the community where their employees live, work and make a difference."

for entergy texas employees, it was an opportunity to give back to their community.

"i was very happy to see the enthusiastic support and great turnout of entergy texas employees to this event. we had folks from all different groups within our organization sign up to participate," said jim malain, entergy texas customer service representative. "this event really underscores our commitment to serving our communities and residents in need. organizations like the southeast texas food bank are instrumental in making this happen."