2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > 3 ways to go green this holiday season

3 ways to go green this holiday season


did you know americans throw away about 25 percent more trash between thanksgiving and new year's eve? check out our three top tips to make your holidays greener than ever.

  1. present wrapping
    this december, try using reusable materials, such as newspaper, to wrap some of your presents. if each american family wrapped three presents this way, it would save enough paper to cover nearly 50,000 football fields.

  2. holiday lights
    when you buy decorations this year, opt for led lighting to help save both energy and money. once your lights are in place, put them on a timer to reduce electricity usage.

  3. holiday tree
    buying a real tree this year? be sure to dispose of your tree at a chipping facility or research ways to return it to the environment in your area. many counties and parishes have recycling programs for trees once the holidays are over.

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switch to paperfree billing!

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