2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > power principles: a conversation with rock ingram

power principles: a conversation with rock ingram


rock ingram, pictured here with wife latonya and son christian, is a veteran and a volunteer.
rock ingram, pictured here with wife latonya and son christian, is a veteran and a volunteer.

a regulatory affairs analyst for entergy mississippi, rock ingram works behind the scenes to keep customers’ electric bills affordable and service reliable. he’s been part of the entergy family for five years.

what’s your power principle at work? all success is a result of intentional effort and unintended opportunity. i bring that belief and attitude to work with me every day.

how do you balance work and family? i balance work and family by remembering that time is not like money because money can be replenished. normally, i try to be present and focused based on my physical location. work and family have specified blocks of my time so i can dedicate my full attention to whichever one i’m engaged in at that moment.

how do you power life in your community? early childhood education and parenting is one of my passions. in my opinion, schools should supply parents just like they supply books to provide the best education possible. when my son, christian, started kindergarten, i began volunteering twice a month at his school, mostly in his classroom assisting his peers. i continue that today, and even though i’m not just hanging out with christian, it is one way i can show him that education and volunteering are important.

where do you see yourself in five years? steve jobs once said in a speech that we can only connect the dots looking back on our life. after my wartime experience in iraq, my foresight has been limited to how i spend my time today. so, five years from now, i’d like to be better a husband, dad, son, brother, friend, employee, and every other hat i wear on a day-to-day basis. that’s my goal.

would you like to join rock as he powers lives for customers in the southeast? check out career opportunities with entergy! you can also keep up with entergy career opportunities by following us on linkedin!

leyla goodsell
manager, entergy mississippi communications