2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > power principle: a conversation with jody steen

power principle: a conversation with jody steen


jody with his wife, dena, and their daughter, malorie.
jody with his wife, dena, and their daughter, malorie.

a senior lineman for entergy mississippi, jody steen has been keeping customers’ lights on for 15 years. he worked in the rankin, jackson and clinton offices before taking his current role in the vicksburg office.

what's your power principle at work? reputation is everything in this line of work, so no matter how small a job is, i always do my best. even if a task seems insignificant, i try to remember that the scope of that project may impact someone else. my actions may make a big difference in how they perceive my work, my team members and our company.

what motivates you to live and work safely? my wife of 18 years, dena, and my 17-year-old daughter, malorie, motivate me to live and work safely. dena comes from a long line of linemen including her father, grandfather and great-grandfather. she understands what the job requires and the benefits of working safely. malorie knows my job is very dangerous and taking shortcuts can be life-threatening. for me, there is no other choice. i've got to be safe for them and myself.

what's the best work-related advice you've ever been given? attitude is contagious. a supervisor once told me that he'd seen how my positive attitude affected everyone around me. i didn't realize how much impact one person's attitude has on others until i was in a leadership role. now, i see it firsthand every day. if i keep a positive attitude, the guys i work with stay positive even if things are not going as planned.

what's been your favorite project at work? storm restoration is one of the best things i do at work. i like restoring power after a storm because i get to meet new people and help them when they need it most. it's rewarding to know i made a difference for those families and communities.  

what's your proudest moment at entergy? my father-in-law, david goree, recruited me into this line of work. he was a senior lineman in vicksburg, mississippi, and encouraged me to apply for the apprentice program. completing the apprenticeship and making lineman was a big moment for me. years later when david retired, i was hired for his position, and now i sit at his desk every day. it's a big pair of shoes to fill, and i try to honor him by doing my best.

jody with his father-in-law, david goree, who inspired him to become a lineman.

would you like to join jody as he powers the lives of customers in the southeast? check out career opportunities with entergy! you can also keep up with entergy career opportunities by following us on linkedin

leyla goodsell
manager, entergy mississippi communications