2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > power principle: a conversation with entergy mississippi's john reuben cox

power principle: a conversation with entergy mississippi's john reuben cox


john reuben with his wife erin and their sons: john calen (standing) and beckett.
john reuben with his wife erin and their sons: john calen (standing) and beckett.

john reuben cox is a control room operator at the attala plant for entergy mississippi, inc. he’s been part of the entergy family for four years.

what’s your power principle?

my power principle is to learn as much as i can each day as a newer employee while providing a safe work environment. treat everyone with respect and lend a hand to help out in any opportunity that is given.

what motivates you to live and work safely? 

my family motivates me to live and work safely.

what’s your proudest moment?

i actually have two proud moments – when my wife and i were blessed with the births of our two sons. having them is one of the main reasons that i work so hard, not only to provide for them and my wife, but also to set a good example as a father and husband.

how do you balance work and family?

working a shift schedule is definitely a challenge in balancing work and family. i try my best to make the most of every opportunity i have to spend time with my wife and sons. during my time off, i attend little league baseball and soccer games, church and many other events. doing all that while keeping up our home and 34 acres definitely keeps me busy!

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