2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > on july 10, #thankalineworker

on july 10, #thankalineworker


on july 10, entergy, along with the edison electric institute and the international brotherhood of electrical workers, will salute the nation’s more than 74,000 electrical lineworkers by observing national lineworker appreciation day.

our lineworkers help maintain more than 15,500 circuit miles of transmission lines, routinely working in the harshest of conditions and 50-plus feet in the air to help keep our communities powered up and running. these devoted employees face challenging situations on a daily basis that require technical expertise and intense focus.

lineworkers serve as our first line of defense in sustaining the grid and work around the clock to ensure that customers receive reliable and safe access to the energy they need to power their lives.

national lineworker appreciation day is celebrated each year on july 10 and also honors the life and work of henry miller, the first president of ibew.

this week, be sure to take time to #thankalineworker for all they do and for their continued efforts to keep our grid maintained and working efficiently!

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