2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > jonesboro crew saves woman's life in flood

jonesboro crew saves woman's life in flood


entergy employees in the jonesboro network saved the life of a woman whose vehicle was being swept away by rising floodwaters this week.

the jonesboro crew, made up of jeff plunkett, perry kennedy, philip coleman and don pollard jr., saw the couple's truck being swept into a nearby stream. they immediately pulled over to provide help and call 911.

"the truck suddenly started to sink, and we knew we had to act quickly," said plunkett, a lead senior line mechanic. "the team pulled hand lines out of the trucks, and pollard attached himself to a hand line, got a hammer to break out the glass in the truck and went into the water to retrieve the couple from the truck."

when pollard approached the truck, he broke the back glass and didn't find anyone. he then broke the glass on the driver's side.

"he pulled the driver out and got him to the other employees, but, very sadly, he was already deceased," plunkett said. "don then emptied an ice chest and went back to passenger side, using the ice chest as a flotation device, and retrieved the female passenger, who was still responsive."

employees used what clothing they could find to keep the woman warm until emergency personnel arrived to transport her to the hospital.

"this is an incredible story of bravery and selflessness, and the jonesboro crew certainly deserves our recognition," said dennis dawsey, vice president of customer service in louisiana.

the jonesboro crew recently was recognized at a special luncheon with entergy louisiana president and ceo philip may to celebrate 37 years with no lost-time accidents.  "after meeting with the jonesboro crew, this selfless act is not at all surprising," may said.

senior manager for region customer service todd bordelon agreed. "this is an amazing story that speaks volumes to the character, bravery and quick thinking of these employees."

ronnie kennedy, jonesboro line supervisor, praised the crew for its work and for making sure that safety remained at the forefront.

"even in this situation, they made sure they could stay safe by using hand lines and an ice chest as a flotation device to help assist them," kennedy said. "jeff is at the retirement point in his career, and don is just starting his career with entergy. they were the two key individuals in this life saving event. we are never too old or young to help someone, but we have to make sure to protect ourselves first."

flooding continues across the state, and employees are asked to keep safety at the forefront of their lives as well.

"i've lived in this area all my life, and i've never seen such widespread flooding," said customer service representative roderick worthy. "it's been terrible."

kacee kirschvink
manager, entergy arkansas communications