2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > entergy volunteers help veteran repair flooded home in baton rouge

entergy volunteers help veteran repair flooded home in baton rouge


members of entergy's veterans employee resource group helped veteran frank washington repair his flood-damaged home in baton rouge.
members of entergy's veterans employee resource group helped veteran frank washington repair his flood-damaged home in baton rouge.

employees enhance community impact through resource groups

vietnam veteran frank washington has lived this soggy nightmare before. in 2005 he lost his home in new orleans to hurricane katrina. he relocated to baton rouge for a new start but disaster struck again when his home flooded during the historic august 2016 floods.

entergy’s veterans employee resource group, working with rebuilding together baton rouge, rounded up volunteers to help repair washington's home. employees and their families installed new floors, tile and doors. entergy volunteers included paul hinnenkamp, darryl yoes, ira fields, justin rettstatt, matthew dossett and perry pertuit.

employee resource groups give entergy employees an opportunity to make an impact on issues affecting the entire workforce. the goal of the veterans erg is to establish entergy as an industry leader in its support for veterans and active-duty employees with ties to the military.