2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > entergy texas’s willis food fair returns for the fifth year to help families in need

entergy texas’s willis food fair returns for the fifth year to help families in need


with thanksgiving fast approaching, entergy texas did its part to ensure families had what they need to celebrate and enjoy the day. on the heels of a food drive in the company’s eastern region, entergy texas partnered with the montgomery county food bank (mcfb) to host the willis food fair. the donated goods were made possible by a $4,000 grant from the company to mcfb.

the food fair shines a klieg light on the very real problem of hunger in montgomery county. according to mcfb, there are over 5,000 food insecure people in the county, which is 16 percent of the population. about 32,000 children face food insecurity. with numbers so high, entergy texas employees knew they needed to act to combat the devastating effects of chronic hunger.

so, over the course of two days, 123 entergy employees, family and friends volunteered at willis food fair events. the day before the main event, entergy volunteers gathered at mcfb’s the woodlands location to preassemble packages so the actual food drive ran smoothly.

paula odom, entergy texas customer service specialist, spearheaded the events and praised the volunteers for their efforts.

“it takes a team of great volunteers for this to be such a success each year.  it truly warms your heart to be out in the community with other employees helping so many people giving them such a basic need as food.  the willis food fair is surely my favorite volunteer event all year,” odom said.

through our giving and volunteerism, entergy helps the individuals and organizations in our communities to empower themselves and each other so that we are all able to prosper.
