2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > entergy texas awards $47,256.93 in energy efficiency incentives to beaumont housing authority

entergy texas awards $47,256.93 in energy efficiency incentives to beaumont housing authority


when walking into the beaumont housing authority’s office, known as the robert l. reyna administration building, you instantly feel welcome by the illuminating entrance and open space. the organization recently updated their office just in time for employees phasing back to work in preparation to reopen their doors to the public. the overall project started in february of this year and completed in june. entergy brought together two different departments to help the beaumont housing authority retrofit its office from fluorescent lights to modern led lights: the entergy environmental initiatives fund (eif) and the entergy texas commercial solutions program. the eif grant was able to provide the initial funding to start the lighting retrofit project and the commercial solutions program was able to reward the beaumont housing authority for completing the energy efficiency project. in total, the beaumont housing authority received $47,256.93 from entergy, $40,414.00 from the eif grant and $6,842.93 from the commercial solutions program.

“i have macular degeneration disease in my eyes, so the lighting was harsh on my eyes and i would have to step out of the office many times a day which interrupted my productivity,” said michelle richard, an employee at the beaumont housing authority. “since the lighting has been upgraded, i can focus, stay productive and get my work done in a more comfortable and modernized office environment.”

characteristics of a physical office environment can greatly impact the way employees work and perceptions of service. benefits of a brighter office space include an increase in productivity, lower safety incidents, and creates a positive effect on one’s well-being. changing fluorescent lights to led lights cuts costs by providing energy efficiency and upgrading the lights outside of the office building increases safety by enhancing visibility.

“the new office lights will provide a better office environment for the employees, decrease their energy expenses, and help the environment,” said mark delavan, program manager of energy efficiency. “the project reduced their carbon footprint by equivalent to taking 21 cars off the road. we are excited to continue our partnership with the beaumont housing authority.”

the beaumont housing authority now will be able to continue serving families in the area in a new and improved office space where both employees and the public feel comfortable.


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