2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > entergy recognized as a best place to work for lgbtq equality

entergy recognized as a best place to work for lgbtq equality


the human rights foundation has recognized entergy as a best place to work for lgbtq equality after the company scored a 100 percent rating on the foundation’s 2018 corporate equality index.

the annual survey rates u.s. corporations on their nondiscrimination policies on sexual orientation and gender identity and serves as the national benchmarking tool on corporate policies and practices pertinent to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees. the hrc foundation’s cei rating system scores companies in four key categories:

  • non-discrimination policies across business entities.
  • equitable benefits for lgbtq workers and their families.
  • internal education and accountability metrics to promote lgbtq inclusion competency.
  • public commitment to lgbtq equality.

entergy was one of 17 companies in the energy and utilities sector to achieve a perfect score. this was entergy’s first time scoring 100 percent; the company’s previous best score was 90 percent.

“being recognized as a best place to work for lgbtq equality reflects our shared values of cultivating a diverse and inclusive work culture and treating people with respect,” said andrea coughlin rowley, senior vice president of human resources. “adhering to these values is not only the ‘right thing to do’ morally, it is the right thing to do as a business imperative. it gives us a competitive advantage and helps us attract and retain the best and brightest talent.”

entergy works to maintain a positive and productive work environment that respects the dignity and worth of each employee, as outlined in the discrimination and harassment prevention policy and the code of entegrity. in addition, employees formed the pride employee resource group in early 2017 as an accessible, inclusive and affable network for lgbta individuals at entergy that also supports entergy’s strategy to continuously improve how we work by leveraging the diversity of our workforce.

for more information, read the 2018 corporate equality index report.  

jill smith
senior lead communications specialist