2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > entergy recognized as a 2022 tree line usa utility by arbor day foundation

entergy recognized as a 2022 tree line usa utility by arbor day foundation


the arbor day foundation has again recognized entergy for proper tree care and vegetation management by naming the company a 2022 tree line usa utility.

the tree line usa program recognizes electric utilities for implementing best practices that protect and develop america's urban tree canopy. the program is a partnership between the arbor day foundation and the national association of state foresters, which promotes delivering safe and reliable electricity while maintaining healthy community forests.

“trees and vegetation are part of our region’s natural environment and also one of the leading causes of power outages for utilities,” said rick riley, senior vice president of distribution operations and asset management. “entergy has a robust vegetation management program that protects the lines that deliver power to customers’ homes and businesses and ensures reliable electric service. at the same time, we are helping sustain both our urban and rural landscapes, which improves quality of life in our communities.”

entergy achieved the tree line usa recognition by meeting five program standards: quality tree care, annual worker training, tree planting and public education, a formal tree-based energy conservation, and a sponsorship of or participation in annual arbor day events.

“trees are essential to creating more urban green spaces in communities across the united states,” said dan lambe, chief executive of the arbor day foundation. “in addition, they provide important benefits to residents, including clean air, clean water, and vital tree shade. service providers like entergy demonstrate how easily trees and utilities can co-exist for the benefit of communities and residents.”

by joining the tree line usa program, energy service providers benefit from lowering line clearance costs due to proper pruning. as a result of those properly pruned and maintained trees, customers and communities benefit from increased reliability of service because those trees will have healthy root systems that decay less, have less structural weakness, and ultimately result in fewer downed lines during storms.

for more information about entergy’s tree care practices, visit entergy’s website.

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