2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 > baxter wilson employees spruce up family shelter

baxter wilson employees spruce up family shelter


more than 20 employees from baxter wilson plant in vicksburg, mississippi, spent time renovating an abandoned hotel to become the lifting lives family shelter.

“we take for granted a warm bed, safe haven and shelter during a storm,” said bruce bryan, senior manager, power plant. “for others, it’s priceless.”

employees donated three days of labor to refurbish the old hotel. the new shelter’s doors opened june 1.

being the largest in mississippi, the shelter has the capacity to house 20 families. residents receive free room and board, three meals per day and counseling for a period of 30 days while seeking employment as part of their pathway to independence.

“our employees are dedicated to our community and helping make it safe for all residents,” said bryan.

mississippi editorial team